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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Where Kalonzo Musyoka Is Today

Today ODM-Kenya are on a 2-day retreat at Lukenya, on the outskirts of Nairobi as you travel towards Machakos. The discussions are centered on getting the most appropriate method of nominating their presidential candidate and also on a strategy for the upcoming general elections. In attendance is everybody from the top brass of the party including Kalonzo Musyoka, lawyer Mutula Kilonzo and Labour Party Of Kenya owner Julia Ojiambo.

As things stand, ODM-Kenya is going to be the party ticket to get anywhere in Ukambani for somebody seeking elective office. But then as Taabu said here yesterday the situation now and leading upto the polls is so fluid that you would be a fool to swear on it or anything else.

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