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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Countdown Idea From Luke Was Good

As Paul Melly says; "Equal Acres Of Space Should Be Given To All Political Interests."

The idea from one of regulars here, that we should start a count down to the general elections was excellent. Indeed we are going to start one very soon. Actually I am just putting a few finishing touches in place and we launch. For those interested in knowing the idea was suggested by one Luke alias "Admiring the economic growth".

Talking of preparations, the deputy chairman of the Standard Group Paul Melly had a meeting with senior staff this morning and announced that the editorial policy of the groups' main media outlets going into the general elections, namely The Standard newspaper and KTN was to give "equal acres of space to all political interests."

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Quip of the week;
"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." -- Robert Francis Kennedy

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I stand to be corrected, but firstly this is not humanly possible. It would have to involve editors making measurements of articles carried and time expended on a news item o TV about a certain party and when you consider the fact that we have 250 registered political parties in the country, you will begin to see the nightmare involved.

Then there is the fact that a newspaper is a commercial venture and has to sell and make money to pay staff and bills as well as.

In fact both the Nation and Standard have clearly shown that news items that have anything to do with ODM in the headline seem to outsell every other news item. More killings in Mount Elgon is boring and even a landslide in Kakamega with a high death toll does not interest Kenyans like something… anything about ODM.

These are the brutal facts that have to rule in election coverage by the media.

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