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Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Ruto Government's Unsettling Divide: Exploring the Rift Valley Factor | Kenya News

Tribalism has long been ingrained in Kenyan politics, perpetuating divisions and hindering national unity. It is crucial to understand the underlying factors that contribute to this tribal mentality in order to find effective solutions.


The tensions in cabinet and government are unprecedented. With Kenyans who do not hail from the Rift Valley feeling like they are under siege. But why?

In politics, alliances are often formed based on shared ideologies or mutual interests. However, Kenya Kwanza's only proven ideology is lots of talk, carefully crafted perceptions and narrative, BUT zero action. And so admittedly, when alliances are perceived to be based solely on regional affiliation, it is predictable that feelings of exclusion among non-Rift Valley individuals can easily emerge.

While some pundits may be quick to insist that the discomfort felt by non-Rift Valley people in William Ruto's government could be rooted in a complex web of political dynamics, historical tensions, and perceived inequalities, the truth is that there is a much simpler explanation. 

And make no mistake about it; this has the potential of causing the Ruto administration to implode.

Why is Kenyan Politics So Tribal?
Kenya, a nation known for its diverse ethnic makeup and rich cultural heritage, has unfortunately been plagued by a persistent tribal mentality within its political landscape. This tribalism has been a prominent feature in Kenyan politics since the country gained independence in 1963. Despite efforts to address the issue, the question remains: why is Kenyan politics so tribal?

The roots of tribalism in Kenyan politics can be traced back to the colonization era, where the British used a divide and rule strategy that fueled ethnic tensions. This sowed the seeds of mistrust and competition among different ethnic groups, which have seeped into the country's political sphere.

The Legacy of Historical Injustices
The wounds of historical injustices inflicted upon various ethnic communities in Kenya have yet to heal completely. Land disputes, unequal resource distribution, and cultural marginalization have contributed to grievances that are often exploited by politicians. In a bid to gain support, politicians exploit these grievances and perpetuate ethnic divisions.

Ethnic Mobilization for Political Gain
Political parties and leaders in Kenya often resort to ethnic mobilization as a means to consolidate their power. By forming alliances along ethnic lines, politicians aim to secure votes from their ethnic constituencies. This results in a deeply divided electorate, where voters are more swayed by ethnic affiliations than the policies and ideologies put forth by the candidates.

The Role of Political Elites
Political elites, who often hail from specific ethnic groups, play a significant role in perpetuating tribal politics. They use their influence and resources to propagate divisive narratives, further entrenching the tribal mentality in the minds of the electorate. This creates a cycle wherein political power remains concentrated within certain ethnic groups, alienating others and creating a sense of exclusion.

Strength in Numbers: Voting Blocs
The tribalism prevalent in Kenyan politics is also fueled by the concept of voting blocs. Ethnic communities, acting as unified voting blocs, have significant influence due to their numerical strength. This encourages politicians to focus their campaigns and policies on appealing to these specific groups, rather than formulating plans that benefit the entire nation.

The Perpetuation of Patronage Politics
Patronage, or the practice of exchanging favors and resources for political support, is deeply entrenched in Kenyan politics. This system encourages politicians to prioritize the interests of their ethnic group over national development. Those in power distribute resources and appointments based on ethnic loyalties, perpetuating the cycle of tribalism.

The Need for Political Reforms
To address the issue of tribalism in Kenyan politics, comprehensive political reforms are urgently required. This includes the implementation of policies that promote inclusivity, equal representation, and discourage the formation of ethnic alliances. Strengthening of institutions and reducing the influence of political elites is vital for promoting a more merit-based political system.

While the journey towards eliminating tribalism from Kenyan politics may be challenging, it is not impossible. By addressing historical injustices, promoting inclusive politics, and empowering marginalized communities, Kenya can transcend the tribal mentality that hinders its progress. Only through united efforts can the nation reshape its political landscape and pave the way for a more equitable and prosperous future.


It is evident that those aligned with Ruto and Raila are openly expressing their lack of interest in the ongoing negotiations. Their actions and statements make it abundantly clear that they have little faith in the peace talks and do not anticipate any significant outcomes from them.

It is also clear that President Ruto has a plan. One that will favour his side whilst ignoring the needs of the vast majority of the Kenyan people. Hardly surprising when the majority did not vote for him.
And a clear sign of that plan is the hearty meal of rice and beef that was served at the Sagana State lodge over the weekend to Mt Kenya residents attending a "cleansing" prayer service and political rally at that historic venue. And so the very disturbing questions are as follows. Did somebody whom both sides fear force them to the negotiation table? And if so, what is the end-game and objective here? And the most important question of all; what is most likely going to happen next, in this dreaded month of August?

Actually the country is about to plunge into a much more serious crisis and sadly by then it may be too late to hurriedly put together serious talks. Get the full picture by taking in: Raila Odinga And Azimio scared of dark force scaring and slowing them down | Kenya news

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