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Saturday, October 14, 2023

Where Art Thou Wafula Chebukati?

Where is Wafula Chebukati? The former IEBC chairman has not made a public appearance for many months, leaving people wondering about his whereabouts.

Where is Wafula Chebukati? The former IEBC chairman has not made a public appearance for many months, leaving people wondering about his whereabouts.

So far we have only witnessed press statements and social media updates linked to Chebukati and it still remains a puzzle as to whether he is in the country or out of the country. After all, it is not impossible for an aide or somebody else to post old photographs and make an update on behalf of Chebukati.

Speculations abound as to what he could be up to. Some suggest that he might have retreated from the public eye to focus on personal matters or perhaps to take a well-deserved break from the demanding nature of his previous role. 

Others speculate that he may be involved in behind-the-scenes political maneuverings on behalf of William Ruto or working on a new project. Whatever the reason, his absence has raised eyebrows and fueled even more rumors. The public eagerly awaits any news or update regarding his current situation, hoping for clarity on the whereabouts of this prominent Kenyan figure who broke the hearts of millions of Kenyans in August 2022 when he announced the shock results of the Presidential elections.

Could Chebukati Be Busy With The Controversial Servers Containing The Real Election Results?

Could the mystery of Chebukati's absence and the IEBC servers reveal a deeper involvement in fiddling with the electoral results? With Ruto's reluctance to open the servers, some have speculated that Chebukati could be playing a role in ensuring the tally in the servers matches his announced results. The secrecy surrounding these IEBC servers has always raised questions about their integrity and whether they have been tampered with. Is Chebukati trying to hide something? 

The reluctance to transparently open these servers only fuels suspicions, leaving room for speculation and doubt about the legitimacy of the results that Chebukati announced. 

Whispers are even swirling around suggesting that Chebukati may have been taken ill. The rumors gained traction due to his noticeable absence from various public appearances and engagements. Speculations gathered momentum, with some even suggesting that Chebukati might be currently seeking medical attention abroad.

As these murmurs spread, concern for Chebukati's well-being has grown among the public and political circles alike. His absence from the limelight inevitably fueled the rumor mill, with people eagerly awaiting official statements to address the situation and shed light on the true nature of his condition.

Until then, these unverified reports continue to circulate, leaving many pondering the fate of this prominent figure. As uncertainty persists, the focus remains steadfastly on unravelling the truth behind the whispers of Chebukati seeking medical attention abroad.

Appointment of Chebukati's Wife Throws Spanner into the Works

The recent appointment of Mary Wanyonyi, the wife to Chebukati, as the new Chair of the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA), has sparked a wave of controversy and raised even more urgent concerns about Chebukati's absence from the public eye. This move brings back memories of the past, when Chris Msando's wife secured a government job after the demise of her husband.

Many are questioning the timing and motivation behind Mary Wanyonyi's appointment.

Critics argue that this appointment throws a spanner into the works, casting doubt on the transparency and credibility of the government's actions. 

As the public awaits answers regarding Chebukati's whereabouts and the rationale behind this appointment, one thing is for sure, these Chebukati rumors will not go away any time soon. 

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