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Scary military reaction to General Ogolla crash | Kenya news

Saturday, July 08, 2023

Saba saba day sealed the fate of Ruto and his cronies for sure | Kenya news

Sometimes in politics, events and developments that unfold quietly behind the scene have the biggest impact. Like the human factor (which Chairman Mao once said was a key determinant in any great undertaking.). In this Kumekucha video we conclude a full analysis of what Kenyans should expect going forward as a result of a most impactful saba saba day 2023.

See also;
The Tom Osinde story is more than disturbing, even as a key clue emerges that points to the usual suspects of unsolved puzzles in Kenya. And even as this is unravelling Irene Cherop Masit former IEBC commissioner in the "Cherera four" flees the country. This Masit move points to something else that Kenyans need to pay attention to.

What has controversial CS Trade Moses Kuria been up to behind the scenes? What impact do his actions have on Kenyan politics? This Kumekucha video digs up a can of worms that you will not believe. There is also a fascinating link Moses Kuria has to the very puzzling Kiambu gubernatorial elections last August. Indeed Kiambu voters are still pretty puzzled about the results to this day. We dig deeper to come out with some astonishing answers to that mystery.