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Monday, February 23, 2015

A Promotional Video Can Effectively Promote Your Business Virally

Kumekucha Small Business Special

Who can deny the fact that the World Wide Web has completely revolutionized and changed video marketing forever? Specifically the second most popular search engine in the whole world called Youtube.

Chances are that you may have heard of video clips that have gone viral and single handedly driven the marketing of some previously unknown product. Or have come across other creative clips that have instantly lifted an old product to new levels of awareness in the market.

Of great interest to corporate video production is the fact that it is now possible using powerful online tools like Youtube to create the equivalent of your own prime time TV channel that has the advantage of having no geographical boundaries or even limited reach. Where the airtime you will enjoy will not be reigned in by the limitations of some advertising budget.

Perhaps the biggest mystery in all this is why corporates are yet to fully wake up to taking as much advantage as they should of this highly potent online distribution channel. Or why most have not fully appreciated what corporate video production can do for them. How do you explain why people in business are so slow in embracing this amazing tax deductable and effective medium to reach and educate potential clients?

Perhaps what has been missing all along for most folks who would have loved to use video marketing to get the word out are a creative team they can trust that would be able to effectively translate their message into a captivating and engrossing slick video or two.

This is not as serious a problem as you think. If you cannot find the right video crew to promote your business you can do it yourself. There is plenty of useful information online that will help you deliver a professionally made promotional video for your business.

Just remember to be super creative and focus on the problems people face that your product or service can resolve.

Read all the simple steps you need to take at;

YouTube Marketing Made Easy - Promote Your Business With YouTube

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Best Rotary Hammers On Sale

To fully understand what you should expect from the best rotary hammers on sale it is prudent to start by examining the difference these drills have when compared to hammer drills.

How Do The Best Rotary Hammers On Sale Differ With Hammer Drills?
The essence of most drills is that they are equipped with a special clutch that enables them to both spin the drill bit while also punching it in and out. The essence of a hammer drill is that the force is usually quite small but because the hammering action is extremely rapid it is able to do its’ job and break up concrete. The difference with rotary hammers is that they use a piston mechanism which makes them much produce a much more powerful force.

The bottom line is that the best rotary hammers on sale can drill much bigger holes much faster than hammer drills. When you have an especially hard surface or need a work horse of a drill then a rotary hammer would be your best choice for the job.
Key Features In The Best Rotary Hammers on Sale

One of the key features that the best rotary hammers on sale will usually have is a gearbox filled with oil. This is important because it makes them much more durable despite the shocks, vibrations and large forces that it has to withstand as it drills through concrete and other hard surfaces.

Yet another advantage you would be looking for from the best rotary hammers on sale is that it can do more than just its’ main function which is drilling through concrete. It is actually possible to switch off the rotary action so that you only use the percussive force. There are a wide range of tasks that can be comfortable accomplished in this way.

Making The Best Rotary Hammers On Sale Easier To Use
Manufacturers of the best rotary hammers on sale have continuously worked on making their tools safer and more comfortable to use for the operator. They have continuously introduced new technology in their drill machines to do this. For example there is the Active Torque control (ATC) first introduced by Hilti which disengages the motor from the drive when the bit is rotating excessively. Another well known manufacturer in this industry, DeWALT also has a similar safety feature which they call CTC (Complete Torque Control).

Its’ many additional features as well as its’ sheer brute force makes the best rotary hammers on sale a favorite for many.

Friday, February 20, 2015

How To Manage Your Workflow

Many people were brought up to believe that hard work would always get them ahead every time without fail. However the truth is that if you do not manage your workflow there is a likelihood that your hard work will end up killing you and I mean that literally as well.

You may even have heard people whining about how the harder they work the more behind they get. The reality is that modern living has way too many interruptions that are fairly new. The cell phone for instance. Or the email notification that loudly announces any email that lands in your inbox. Then there is working at home which is rapidly gaining in popularity. All pretty cool stuff perhaps but certainly un-cool when it comes to managing your workflow. As much as we appreciate all these novelties of modern living that make life so much more convenient, the truth is that they come at a much higher price than most folks realize. For instance they have introduced a whole new load of complications and interruptions that are certain to considerably slow down the workflow of even the most efficient.

How about some powerful ideas and techniques to help you manage your workflow better? So that you work smarter and get a lot more done in half the time.

Interruptions Are Killers

Never kid yourself that you will be able to manage your workflow without getting rid of interruptions. It will never happen. And so you will need to be very ruthless about clamping down on any and all interruptions to your all important workflow. How ruthless should you be? I hear you asking. Well how about ensuring clients do not call you during the day with the only exception being scheduled calls or emergencies? Now most folks may not agree with such a seemingly radical step but just stop, take a deep breath and think about it for a moment. You are in the middle of something that seems to be going quite well and suddenly the almighty client calls. All your attention and train of thought has to shift to them. And even long after you hang up chances are that you will be still thinking about the call. You can guess what amount of good that will do to the task that was interrupted. Multiply that just by a few times during your work day and you have a disaster of monumental magnitude in the making. And the real reason why you are always swamped in work that you never seem to get done.

It is true that there are those of your clients who may want to strongly resist the very idea of not being able to call you when they feel like it. But let’s face it, if you are already drowning in work what is the point of keeping and gaining new clients when you are destined to always deliver shoddy work spiced by constant interruptions?

Bulking Tasks Is A Greater Time Saver Than You Realize

You must have heard it said so many times before that you are on the verge of getting sick reading it here yet again. But hold on a sec before you skip this entire paragraph. You getting sick all over your desk will not change the fact that grouping similar tasks together and getting them all done at the same time will revolutionize your workflow.

Schedule all your email responses for a certain time of the day. Then do the same with your phone calls, routine tasks, meetings and everything else that you need to do that can be categorized and then step back and see for yourself the huge difference that it will always make.

So what happens to your great multi-tasking skills that you have always prided yourself for? Actually multi-tasking has always been overrated. It may actually work quite well for a mother taking care of a bunch of rowdy kids in the house. But it certainly doesn’t fly when you want to find focus and build routine into your workflow.

Delegate, But Do It Only To The Highly Skilled

Reality checks are inevitable in this life. That is as long as you remain human. We have to admit that everybody ends up with those tasks on their to-do list that they absolutely dread or abhor. Stuff that they will always keep putting off or skirting around. These are also the tasks that you may not be particularly good at. This is where you need to delegate. Delegation will introduce the new headache of supervision which can prove to be a nightmare to some. So do yourself a favor and minimize supervision by hiring and delegating only to the highly skilled and nobody else. You can then use the considerable time saved to do more of what you enjoy doing and are most effective at. This in turn will increase efficiency so much so that you should have no problem raising the extra revenue required to pay the extra hands.

You Must Carefully Prioritize Your To-Do List

A key part of prioritizing the tasks on your list for the day is to recognize the fact that there are certain items you cannot embark on until you have completed others first. Randomness in reducing the pile on your desk can be a great time waster and will just end up making your workload even more overwhelming. Before you tie your shoe laces you need to put on your shoes first. Tie your shoe laces first and you will need to untie them later so that you can put on your shoes first. Essentially this means that you will tie your shoe laces twice instead of once. That’s how frustration and time wasting dominates your workload.

Break Up That Giant Into Smaller More Manageable Parts

It is impossible to master something massive and vague. But break it all down to tiny manageable parts and you will be utterly amazed at how quickly and efficiently the massive pile disappears. This is a very important part of managing your workload so that you can focus on the details of each component, one at a time, and get it done well, every time.


Managing and building routine into your workflow for greater efficiency is not so difficult. Once you purpose to do it and really set your mind to it, you will find that you have made great strides within a very short period of time.

See Also;
Turnaround any small business with this big secret

12 ways Email Marketing Can Boost Your Business

There is no doubt that permission based email marketing can be extremely powerful. And yet it is so easy to get started with very minimal costs and quickly end up enjoying the kind of returns that can be mind boggling. There are really plenty of benefits any business can enjoy from this amazing marketing method. Here we list 12 of them.

1. Sales Will Skyrocket
Email marketing works and done properly will always increase sales. And usually it does this rather dramatically. Actually other forms of marketing are mostly like firing shots in the dark while aiming in the general direction of your prospects. With email promotions you have already locked on to your prospects with laser precision because all the people on your list are already pre-qualified hot prospects for your product or service.

Email marketing pros usually regularly create time limits for purchases and time sensitive special offers. This usually wipes out one of the most common obstacles to sales which is procrastination flies. The result is that a vast majority of people on any list, that were previously hesitant, will end up buying right away.

Human nature is such that people will always need a reason to buy now and when you create a sense of urgency, they will have no reason to delay their purchase any further. How can you possibly fail to dramatically increase your sales using clever email marketing?

2. Top of The Mind In Customers
When a customer needs to buy he will usually end up with the brand that is at the top of his mind. Expensive prime time TV ads are designed to do just this. However email marketing will do it a lot better and at a tiny fraction of what a company would spend on a single prime time slot on Television. One of the reasons why email is much more effective is it helps the seller to build a personal relationship with their prospects through the regular useful information that they send out to them. That’s something that you cannot do with any other medium.

3. Lots of Repeat Business
Assuming that you have a useful product that satisfies the basic requirements of your customers, there is still always a high possibility that they will never buy from you again. And that’s mostly because in the extremely crowded marketplace of today they will quickly forget about you as dozens of other heavily advertised alternatives crowd you out of their minds. With email marketing that is unlikely to happen because they are regularly receiving information and updates from you. That is why you will always be guaranteed lots of repeat business.

How can you possibly go wrong with such a high customer retention rate?

4. Easy To Establish Authority
Properly executed email marketing will easily give you lots of instant credibility and authority in your industry. Thanks to the regular tips and news you will be sending out which will establish your thought leadership in your sector. That’s a very enviable and powerful position in marketing because it will automatically give you the kind of influence rights that your competitors do not have and will never get with your prospects.

Sadly a common mistake made by some email marketers is to focus on sending out sales messages with very little other useful content. Always provide useful tools and advice instead and you’ll gain all the authority you need to wipe out all competition.

5. Effective In Building Relationships With Leads
Email is a very personal communication tool. And so it is hardly surprising that well thought out email newsletters will always create deep emotional links with customers and prospects. Folks will never buy anything from strangers and will instead always opt for the familiar and the business or brand that they have already build a relationship with. Email allows a business to very effectively build a relationship with thousands or even hundreds of thousands of prospects at the same time. That is pretty powerful and the reason why email marketing remains so very effective in selling virtually anything.

Just be careful to always add value in the lives of your prospects and the results will surely exceed your wildest expectations.

6. Very Low Cost
Everybody knows that mainstream advertising is horrendously expensive. And if you want to be really effective as you face mounting competition out there you will need to spend even more. Clearly it is the preserve of Fortune 500 corporations with deep pockets. But even then it is getting less effective by the day as wary consumers bombarded with advertisements every waking hour continuously find new ways to shut out these costly messages. For example, chances are that you usually mute the sound or flip channels when there is a commercial break on your favorite TV show.

In sharp contrast blasting out messages to your multitudes of prospects costs next to nothing but continues to be very effective. Admittedly you will have to pay for your internet connection as well as the auto responder and the email marketing management services you will require. However when you factor in your returns the cost of getting each customer will come down to tiny fractions of pennies.

7. Quality Customer Database And Segmentation
The most important component in email marketing is your email list. A quality list will give you quality results and high sales every time. Good email marketing will always give you a list of prospects that are your hottest leads. With every message that you send out you will easily be able to track the results. For instance you will know how many people actually opened your email and how many clicked on each hyperlink on your email.

Actually you will get all the information you need to continuously segment your customers according to preferences based on their tracked behavior. This is very useful in marketing because segmentation allows you to tailor your product or service much more specifically to your individual clients which will always produce more sales and profits for your business. Compare this to all the expensive research and focus groups you would have had to set up in the bricks and mortar world. And after all the bills are paid you would extremely lucky to get half the information that is so easily and cheaply accessible in email marketing.

8. You Can Easily Track Sales For Higher Profits
Why is tracking sales so profitably important? The answer is simple. By knowing where your customers are coming from and how you got them in the first place you can dramatically improve your marketing efforts. All you will need to do is shift to what is working and abandon what is not working. You can also constantly improve on what is working for you to get even better results.

You can also create offers and tweak products so that they are better suited to customers all based on previous purchases that they have made.

Alternatively you can quickly and instantly test various key aspects of your offer like pricing. Test two different prices to see which delivers the biggest profits. Product “A” may sell less units than product “B” because it is a higher price but when you calculate your margins you could well find that product A is still much more profitable. In a few hours you will end up getting the kind of information that usually takes years of experience and trial and error to obtain.

This is one of the really magical things about email marketing. Offline and with other forms of marketing this is very difficult and in some cases impossible to achieve.

9. Very Easy To Go Global With Email
Ordinarily to go global you would need to make expensive trips abroad or gain useful contacts in each individual country you want to sell to. Email marketing easily overcomes this obstacle because you are selling directly to your consumer with no need for a middleman.

It is also cheap because there is absolutely no difference in cost between sending out a message within your own country and sending one to a remote town on the other side of the world.

Different markets will tend to have different cultures and demands. This is hardly a problem with email marketing since all you need to do is to tailor and design your offers appropriately for the different markets.

A simple test email campaign can help you understand a new market intimately without having to make a substantial investment on blind faith and limited information that you might end up regretting.

There is no doubt that marketing professionally with email is the easiest way for your business to go global. It is efficient and affordable in giving you the opportunity to reach audiences and markets you otherwise would not have been able to touch.

10. The Best Return on Investment (ROI)
According to a 2011 Direct Marketing Association study email marketing gives a return of a whooping $41 for every $1 invested.

This underlines how cost effective this marketing method can be, more so in comparison to other techniques out there. For starters email marketing is the most effective way of achieving customer retention. Everybody knows how expensive it is to acquire a new client. With email you will be able to seamlessly continue selling to the same customer again and again once they are on your list. The individual return from a single customer over many months and years is phenomenal.

And then there is the fact that ordinarily with other tools and mediums you will need to make a substantial investment before you can even attempt to measure your initial results.
It is also easy with email marketing to start small and quickly build up your investment by reinvesting part of your profits in say PPC (pay per click) ads to build your email list of prospects much quicker.

11. Time and Effort Dramatically Reduced
Once you have set up your auto responder the whole process of signing up new prospects to your list is automated. You can even create messages and schedule them for a whole year or more so that your prospects receive weekly messages without you have to lift a finger.

When you need to send out messages with the latest news it will only take only a few minutes to write it and then with a simple click of a button it will instantly reach all the people on your list even if your list has hundreds of thousands of names.

Not to mention the fact that email templates can be reused or even re-purposed with very limited additional effort on your part.

Personalization of messages increases response and yet this is easily automated using most email software packages.

12. Better Target And Higher Conversions
It is so easy in email marketing to use an individual’s contact data to adjust your messaging so that it has a much higher level of relevance. Imagine what a prospect feels knowing that the sender of the message “knows” them and their likes, dislikes and preferences? The fact that the message was simply based on information that the recipient provided will hardly erode the good feeling and high response rate that the email marketer will end up with. This will be in the form of higher click through rates, higher open rates and much higher conversions from prospects to paying customers.

When you personalize the experience in this simple way that is executed all the time in email marketing you create the illusion in the mind of the user that they are deeply cared about. What can people fail to do for folks who care about them? This is why this technique can be pretty expensive in getting customers to pay for higher priced products and services.

You really cannot afford to ignore the all the benefits of email marketing listed above. Nor can you continue to pretend that the sheer power of email marketing does not exist or will not be useful to you. How can you possibly pass up the chance to dramatically increase your sales and profits? Especially when all you need to do is use an email marketing management service specifically designed for SMEs that will make life so much easier for you. Place your order now and revolutionize sales and marketing at your business forever.

See also;

Writer's fascinating email marketing experiment

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

TOP SECRET Kumekucha offer

Start with this FREE of one month 30 day trial to my raw notes before you move to the bigger gift below.

February is the month that the very first political assassination in Kenya happen 49 years ago.

It was the morning of 25th February 1965 and Pio Gama Pinto (pictured) was reversing his VW Bettle from his compound somewhere in Westlands close to where Sarit Centre stands today. On the back seat was his young daughter whom he was taking to school. A man at the gate called out his name (most probably to identify and confirm that it was him) and when he looked two shots rung out. This gallant Kenya slumped on his steering wheel, dead.

In addressing the nation's problems today we cannot escape the past. And so to raise awareness of this and other political assassinations in Kenya Kumekucha is highlighting this significant month of February by offering one of my best selling eBooks Political Assassinations in Kenya (covers all other political assassinations). And I am offering for almost FREE!

The book has been selling at Kshs 990 ($12). What do you think I am offering it for?

Half price at Kshs 495/- NOPE

Quarter price at Kshs 247.50 NO WAY.

It is available at the top secret price of ONLY 
Kshs 99/- or $1.20cts

And that's not all. When you purchase this important book you will get a one year FREE subscription to my Kumekucha Raw notes and my much acclaimed Kumekucha Real Time Intelligence Reports.

Only 99 bob ($1.2) for the following
1. Full version book Political Assassinations in Kenya (usual price Kshs 990)
2. One FULL year to my Kumekucha Raw notes (usual price Kshs 999/)
3. One FULL year subscription to Kumekucha's Real Time Intelligence reports (usual price Kshs 1,850/)
Total: Kshs 3,839/- 

SAVE all that and pay only Kshs 99/- $1.20 

Hurry because this very unique TOP SECRET FACEBOOK offer expires in exactly 19 hours.

Send $1.20 via Paypal to or send Kshs 99/- to my rep in Kenya, cell phone 0701 333112 OR You can also send Airtel money to 0787 625261 (if you use Mpesa or airtel money please ensure that you notify me via email at as soon as you send the funds giving me the cell phone number you used and the email address I should send to.)

Friday, February 07, 2014

Mystery Monday: Unlocking The 2013 Kenyan Presidential Polls Secrets Safe Download


Kenyan politicians across the political divide keep on referring to last year's presidential elections. And the way they talk about it, there is plenty they know that the rest of Kenyans don't know. All ordinary folks have been treated to so far are partisan views from both sides of the political divide.

That is if you haven't yet read what most Kenyans refer to as the most revealing political book of 2013?

Now you can find out the startling truth for yourself by downloading this free version of Mystery Monday: Unlocking the 2013 Kenyan presidential polls secrets.

Go HERE to download it instantly for FREE. Just click on the small blue "save" button. Download it now. If you ran into problems please email umissedthis at gmail dot com for assistance.



Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How to get Kumekucha's raw notes

It is much easier to get Kumekucha's raw notes than you realize. But why should you? Read email comments from regular readers of the raw notes published several times every week;

"I knew what was going to happen before the elections and as the media peddles the Viagra theory as the most likely cause of he late senator Mutula's death I just laugh. The raw notes have always helped me understand what is really going on in Kenya. That is why I have no hesitation in renewing my subscription. Keep up the good work Chris."

"You are 90% correct in your predictions. Good enough for me."

"These crazy raw notes of yours keep me awake at night."

"Who do you think you are Chris Kumekucha publishing such sensitive information with no regard for people's feelings nkt!!!"

"Excellent information."

"Some call it bar talk rumours, others say it is just propaganda. But nobody can argue with the number of times Kumekucha's predictions have come to pass."

Kumekucha's raw notes usually cost $12 or Kshs 990. BUT you can get them now for half price. Just $6 or Kshs 495 if you act right away. And what is more you will be able to get 2 years subscription (100 issues) on this offer including all back issues (this usually costs Kshs 1,500). Rush because this page will be pulled down any minute. Send $6 via Paypal to or Kshs 495 to the cell phone 0701 333112 OR You can also send Airtel money to 0787 625261 (please ensure that you notify me via email at as soon as you send the funds giving me the cell phone number you used and the email address I should send the raw notes to). Do this NOW and you will have FULL access to the raw notes in minutes. Stay ahead in Kenyan politics.

The President's Lovers

The most sensitive info I have... by far

I have really been debating for a very long time whether to release this info or not.

On my computer I have always had a special folder titled "prezo mpango wa k." where I have been saving up all the juicy details I have come across concerning presidents of Kenya and their lovers.

I have many friends in politics who firmly believe what a politician does in their spare time is their business, after all let the one who is clean throw the first stone. And so I have never thought of ever publishing this extremely sensitive information.

But then it is also true that once a person decides to be a public figure they really do not have a private life because everything they do ends up affecting other people, sometimes millions of people. There is no better illustration of this than the assassination of one unfortunate Kenyan which happened simply because the then president believed he was going to release information to the public on one of his discreet love affairs.

So when you really think about it, the public has a right to know. In the western world these love affairs of the high and mighty have often ended many promising political careers and you would think that those in politics would learn. But nothing doing. They just never learn from history. There is something very attractive about a man who is in power, (in Africa a demi-god no less) that few women have been able to resist since the beginning of time. It is in our very DNA.

Also many of you already know that the president of Kenya receives regular intelligence briefings and it usually includes information on who is sleeping with who. And so this information must be important in analyzing stuff and making decisions. In any case it will be good for us here to be all on the same page when I make some of my more controversial commentaries on the presidency.

And so shortly I will publish the most sensitive book I have ever penned titled; The President's Lovers. It covers the lover affairs of the presidents of Kenya in great detail. The information will shock you but my real intention is for people's eyes to be opened to the fact that even our demi-gods whom Kenyans have always worshiped are human after all and have had some fascinating mpango wa kandos and passionate affairs. How this has affected their performances as chief executives of the country, I leave you to decide after you have read the book.

If you are interested in reading all the juicy details (the book holds nothing back) then you need to reserve your copy right away because this offer will disappear from this page at any time. You will need only a paltry Kshs 795 or $9.5 to get your hands on this rather voluminous narrative. Please use the usual email to Paypal $9.5 OR the cell 0701 333112 to Mpesa Kshs 795 and I will reserve a copy for you right away.

Monday, July 08, 2013

Reader's comments on Why Mutula Was Murdered

What readers had to say about this book

"I was utterly dumbfounded reading through this well researched murder mystery. Very sad for Kenya"

"Your revealing background on the Mutula/Moi relationship left no doubt that Moi missed the funeral in protest against the killing of his dear friend. But you left out the juicy part about the Abacha millions which Mutula helped launder and is the reason for his huge tax bill which he left unpaid rather than reveal to KRA the real source of those funds when they went through his account. Was the omission accidental or deliberate?

"Blows sky high the widely peddled view that it was a Viagra overdose that did in the late senator and also explains how this theory was deliberately circulated by "dark forces." Great read. Well done Kumekucha"

"Every Kenyan needs to get very worried, you said. I AGREE."

"What the f***!!! And what a great read. Too bizarre to be fiction."

"The method used to assassinate the late senator left me gasping for breath. Crazy."

"Of all the books Chris Kumekucha has written, this one will always linger on my mind. Kweli Banana republic Kenya."

"Great book"

"So this is why this mysterious Kumekucha Chris has such a reputation and rapidly growing fan base..."

"I keep asking... where do you get your information??? Until I know I can't comment either way."

"Mutula was a notorious womanizer, that is public knowledge, but this book will haunt everybody who reads it for a very long time."

Get this eBook in your inbox is seconds. All who order this book will also get a FREE 2 year (100 issues) subscription to the controversial raw notes including back issues.
Send $7 via Paypal to or Kshs 595 to the usual cell phone 0701 333112 OR You can also send Airtel money to 0787 625261 (please ensure that you notify me via email at as soon as you send the funds giving me the cell phone number you used and the email address I should send to as well as the book you have selected.

Reader's comments for Mystery Monday: Unlocking The 2013 Kenyan Presidential Polls Secrets

Mysterious Monday That Changed Kenya

Balanced unbiased expose of what really happened with the 2013 presidential elections

In this brand new unbiased book I reveal;

•    Why the "dark forces" decided to interfere with the election despite the fact that Uhuru was clearly going to win albeit in round 2.

•    Important little known and previously unpublished events and secrets behind the scenes leading up to the March 4th fiasco.

•    How I got advance information about exactly what ended up happening in those elections.

•    Exactly how the vote stuffing was so cleverly masked leaving behind very little credible evidence.

•    A very significant event in 2003 that took painful reforms in Kenya backwards and had a direct link to March 4th.

•    The selfish ambitions of a handful of people and their arrogance that is the real source of the heightened tribal animosity in the country and the terrible things that they are planning next.

•    The detailed operations of the "dark forces" (contrary to the law and new constitution) that President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta mentioned before the elections.

•    How calls for peace were used to deliberately clamp down on free speech and how it has all caused a huge chunk of our population to stop thinking for themselves.

•    Secrets in the corridors of power that are so sensitive that they influenced the format I chose for this explosive book.

•    Much more.

Using evidence gathered in the course of my work I have created an entertaining narrative that will open the eyes of every reader to the real and immediate dangers facing Kenya today. And it is not Uhuru with the ICC charges hanging over his head nor is it Raila Odinga.

What those who have read the sizzling book have to say;

"What amazed me most was that the evidence was staring at us all the time even as we were being taken for fools. It was all there in the news media and statements from certain people we ought to have watching closely."

"Vintage Kumekucha"

"It was so gripping that I forgot to proofread and had to do it on my second read... Easily the most informative and entertaining political book I have ever read...okay I have to admit I have never read boring predictable Kenyan politics in book form before."

"Why don't you try and write novels Kumekucha?"

"A book that Kenyans need to read, it may just help us to stop fighting amongst ourselves when we see the real and evil enemy who is against us all."

"Always a pleasure to be one step ahead of the chasing pack who rely more on rumors, innuendos, tribal bigotry and heresay to take an (ill)informed position on matters that they understand little about, thanks to your informative and impartial insights and comments."
- Comment from an avid addict of the Kumekucha brand -

"Wow, so that's what happened... is this really true?"

Get this eBook in your inbox is seconds. All who order this book will also get a FREE 2 year (100 issues) subscription to the controversial raw notes including back issues.
Send $7 via Paypal to or Kshs 595 to the usual cell phone 0701 333112 OR You can also send Airtel money to 0787 625261 (please ensure that you notify me via email at as soon as you send the funds giving me the cell phone number you used and the email address I should send to as well as the book you have selected.

Deep IEBC Mystery: Why is it taking so long to release results?
Kenyans have found themselves hurtling into the month of July, almost 4 months since the conclusion of the 2013 general elections, and yet the IEBC are yet to release the election results.

CORD supporters are sure that this is a confirmation that the last elections were fiddled with and their leader Raila Odinga has repeatedly said that the reason is because there is a difference of more than a million votes between the parliamentary and presidential votes cast. Even JUBILEE diehards (sure that their presidential candidate won genuinely) are puzzled as to why it should take so long to release the results.

What is worrying neutral analysts like this blogger is the laughable excuse the IEBC is giving;

"We had the presidential petition to prepare for and this involved all our returning officers. Once this was determined, we focused on all the other petitions scattered across the country. At the same time, we have been busy conducting audit of our systems not to mention the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission inquiry."

In this day and age and with the huge staff and massive resources available to IEBC this excuse is nothing short of a cock and bull story. If the arithetic proved complex they would have easily hired any of the numerous experts we have in Nairobi. But clearly the issues is not just adding up the numbers.

Raila Odinga's claim is also highly unlikely. The insinuation is that over a million of his votes were "stolen". With all due respect to the former PM, this too is a preposterous allegation that is extremely difficult to believe. All independent polls including the extremely controversial exit poll conducted by a US professor which gave Raila the win in the polls with a razor slim margin proves that the difference between the two candidates was too close to call. Certainly nothing close to a million votes.

To many Kenyans on both sides of the political divide this deepens the mystery over what really happened on that 4th March Monday and what happened in the days before and after those polls shrouded in mystery and unanswered questions.

However those who have read my landmark book Mystery Monday: Unlocking the 2013 Kenyan presidential polls secrets are NOT in the dark. Indeed unfolding events have confirmed the contents of that revealing book 1000%. Let me give some very specific examples.

* Those who have read the book were not surprised when Raila complained that he was being trailed everywhere he went by the NSIS shortly after the Supreme court ruling that gave President Uhuru and JUBILEE victory.

* Neither are they surprised that the results have been delayed and that there seems to be a "mathematical" headache facing the IEBC.

* Even the current mounting political problems facing Deputy president William Ruto are linked to the chain of events that took place before and after that mystery Monday day when Kenyans voted in historical elections.

There is no need for you to remain in suspense wondering what would have happened. Today you can get virtually all your questions answered by getting hold of a copy of Mystery Monday: Unlocking the 2013 Kenyan presidential polls secrets and reading for yourself the juicy details surrounding the elections. JUBILEE supporters are especially encouraged to get the facts so that they have a viable answer to the claims that the vote difference is a whole one million votes. CORD diehards on the other hand will be better off knowing exactly what happened and why they were doomed for defeat as early as 2010 when the CORD alliance didn't even exist.


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