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Scary military reaction to General Ogolla crash | Kenya news

Friday, June 30, 2023

Key clue emerges In Tom Osinde killing as Irene Masit flees Kenya | Kenya news

The Tom Osinde story is more than disturbing, even as a key clue emerges that points to the usual suspects of unsolved puzzles in Kenya. And even as this is unravelling Irene Cherop Masit former IEBC commissioner in the "Cherera four" flees the country. This Masit move points to something else that Kenyans need to pay attention to.
See also in this blog with explosive stories;

Kenyans may have gotten a rare glimpse into police methods one day when the Kenya police insisted on peddling fiction, despite the fact that there were numerous witnesses at Athi River who saw and heard exactly what happened as one of Kenya's most wanted violent gangsters was gunned down outside his house. Not to mention photographs that communicated more than a thousand words and spoke loud and clear.

The widely circulated photo of Simon Matheri Ikere. Does he not look so innocent and the sort of polite, handsome guy you wouldn't mind your daughter going out with? Police accuse him of rape, murder, bank robberies etc. His trade mark was introducing himself before shooting his hapless victims for no apparent reason

TV footage at the scene and press photographs clearly showed Simon Matheri Ikere felled with his hands behind him, as if he had been handcuffed.