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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Trial Of Man Who Shot Mboya Should Have Been Declared a Mis-trial, New Evidence Now Reveals

Evidence unearthed by one of Kumekucha's researchers has revealed glaring and gaping holes in the trial of one Nahashon Njenga (the man convicted of firing the fatal shots that killed Mboya). Loopholes that may have been enough to declare a mistrial.

The then powerful attorney general, Charles Mugane Njonjo, led the prosecution in the trial, and he deliberately refused to follow up on the "big man" allegation that Njenga made. Njenga's bizarre defense was that he should not be asked about the assassination as he was just following orders and the person to be asked should be the "big man." He did not elaborate who the "big man" was and neither did he reveal his identity.

Actually had Njonjo investigated the allegation further he would have actually been investigating himself and other members of the kitchen cabinet then (some of whom are still alive today.) Is it not ironical that this old man, (Njonjo) is now going around the country criticizing the current government and giving everybody advice? Why does he not start by first telling us who killed Tom Mboya?

An even more glaring injustice was the fact that the Mboya family lawyer a Mr Fritz De Souza was not allowed to cross examine the accused.

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