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Scary military reaction to General Ogolla crash | Kenya news

Saturday, July 01, 2023

Sachangwan Road Accident Puzzle: Little Known Supernatural Cause | Stran...

Strangest Thing In Kenya: Some mind-boggling revelations about Sachangwan and road accidents in Kenya.

Accident Scene Shocker: Then Nyeri governor, Dr. Wahome Gakuru died in a very bizarre freak road accident.

Welcome to the latest Kenya news analyzed by Kumekucha for the real inside story of Kenya politics ; The Tom Osinde story is more than disturbing, even as a key clue emerges that points to the usual suspects of unsolved puzzles in Kenya. And even as this is unravelling Irene Cherop Masit former IEBC commissioner in the "Cherera four" flees the country. This Masit move points to something else that Kenyans need to pay attention to.