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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Avoid violence for Kenya, It is a generation issue

Guest post

These elections have promised to be the most contested in the History of Kenya. It is a defining moment for Kenya. May the best candidate win.

While there are issues that many are ignoring, I am confident that The President has in him dignity and interests of the country at heart. My belief is based on the fact that he humbly accepted the results of the 2005 referendum. Very hard for a seating President, if you asked me.

I am still of the view that HE will facilitate a free and a fair elections. Whether he is to win or to lose. That's what will be his legacy. That he allowed and accepted the voters verdict.

Those who have read history will confirm that generational change usually happens in or about 40 years.This might turn out to be true for Kenya. Only Kenyans will confirm this on the election day.

I read the PNU manifesto today and wondered whether they were actually serious. How could they ignore the issues pertaining to a New constitution and efforts to control Corruption?.None of the 3 candidates shouldn't ignore these. They are universal as far as Kenya is concerned.

However smart any president is elected, the current constitutions is not right for democracy.The president yields too much absolute power and his/her good intentions easily consumed before delivery.

I expected the PNU strategists to "mention" these issues in a clever way.They didn't, which gives competitators( ODMs) the necessary arsenals-That PNU is not serious about the constitution or corruption which has been the worst enemy for Kenya?

2002, many people said enough with KANU. Today, same KANU is swallowing PNU affiliate parties. Not the other way round. Thats where the problem lies. Ask Ngilu (in ODM) and Prof Maathai (in PNU). Both speak of TRUST. Even moi has said it that Kenyans must trust the president. It was his employees/appointees who have let him dowm.Tue. But where does the buck stops?

May Kenyans vote those they TRUST, for any contract runs on Trust. Presidential contract with the people is sacronant.

Whichever way Kenyans decide, individually, Kenya is greater than any person. Please safeguard that Peace. No leader worth any salt would want to wake up every morning and see blood painted in their whole bedroom. That is, why celebrate when you are the cause of that blood. Is it worth it? In Kibera, Muthaiga, Machakos or State House (that Museum as we have been told).

Gatheru Rwamba
Former secretary General,KMDJ, London