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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Amos Kimunya Insults ODM: Could He Be The Mysterious Kioko OF BC?

Kumekucha tech experts checking if IP address leads back to the Treasury

I am in shock.

I have carefully studied the recent utterances of the Finance Minister of the Republic of Kenya to the press and they have left me numb with shock because they bare an uncanny resemblance to the abusive comments a notorious commentator here called Kioko of BC has been leaving in this blog.

Amos Kimunya you know, but for those who have no idea who Kioko of BC is, let me introduce him. For quite a while now we have had one crazy infamous commentator who visits Kumekucha daily without fail, called Kioko of British Columbia, Canada (or so he claims). It is through this man that I first came to hear of a place called Kavirondo Gulf and if you check most of his abusive comments here they are bound to include the word kihii. Several readers suggested that he should go and launch a foreskin blog since that seems to be his pet subject and obsession.

Looking at the utterances of one Amos Kimunya recently they bare an uncanny resemblance to the words of the infamous Kioko here. Could they be the same person? Is the Finance Minister leaving abusive comments here in this blog but not using his real name?

Sample this;

“There is fear amongst investors over these other people taking over government.”

“These people do not understand the stock exchange. This is not a fish market.”

That sounds uncannily like Kioko does it not?

Who was the Finance Minister referring to? We all know that ODM is a national political party that enjoys massive support in at least 6 of the 8 provinces in Kenya (kindly note that this is NOT according to Kumekucha but according to no less than 4 different independent pollsters who have published their findings in the Sunday Nation and other national media). And yet Mr Kimunya managed to reduce his comments to a direct personal attack at the person of Raila Odinga, the duly elected presidential candidate of ODM and the Luo community. For what it is worth I am NOT a Luo myself, just a concerned non-tribal Kenyan.

We know that fish is also found at the Coast and a few other places in this good republic, but Mr Kimunya left no doubt as to who he was referring to.

Let us put aside the fact that the community the Finance Minister attacked in his crude remarks consists of some of the best educated Kenyans and numerous professionals and experts including doctors and lawyers and yes, experts on stock exchanges worldwide. Let us instead focus our attention on the motive of this very personal and very abusive remark.

Regular readers of this blog will remember the story we carried here recently where it has been established that the nickname used on former Ethics PS John Githongo by Angle Leasing suspects when he was still in government was Mujaruo. This gives you a very clear idea of the kind of thinking that is going on at the heart of the Kibaki administration. The administration that is telling Kenyans that the other side is “tribal” and is using “tribal emotions” to drum up support.

In other words the remarks that we see here every day from Kioko of BC as abusive and ridiculous and provoking as they are is the true position of the Kibaki administration concerning ODM and the opposition in Kenya. In fact so accurate are the remarks of Kioko that I can confidently report to all readers of Kumekucha that you can take them as official.

God help this country. God have mercy on Kenya.

P.S. My dear fellow Kenyans, do you not think that an apology from Mr Kimunya (alias Kioko of BC) to ALL Kenyans is in order here?

P.S. I await the official position of the Kibaki administration from Kioko of BC. Your comment will receive high priority in being approved, Kioko (official government spokesman on Kumekucha).