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Thursday, August 09, 2007

Goodbye Masai Mara Part 2

What Happens If Masai Mara Land Grabbing Continues?

I have in my possession a pile of documents as solid proof of what you are about to read. They tell a very sad story that should alarm every Kenyan. Today I continue with Part 2 of this series, which I started yesterday. Today I publish a letter from a company called Olkiombo Ltd. Which owns a lodge within the land that has been grabbed.

The letter reveals just a tip of the iceberg of a complex scheme to ensure that public land within the world famous Masai Mara game reserve remains in the name of an individual. Tomorrow I will name more names but in the letter I publish today the names of former powerful minister Chris Murungaru is mentioned as well as that of Kiraitu Murungi. According to the letter sent to the AG, the two were incorporated in an attempted deal to end a criminal case against the land grabber in return for their supporting the Referendum "yes" or banana side.

Experienced political deal makers will tell you that this is a normal deal in Kenyan politics. I refuse to accept that and say that this "normal thing" must and has to stop.

In the next post I publish the letter in full, I have not corrected a single spelling or grammatical error and nor have I changed a comma. It is has been reproduced exactly as it was in its' original form and as a hard copy.

Tomorrow: Some very, very big names mentioned.

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